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Veterinary Prescription Approvals &
E-Prescribing for Veterinarians

One site for both pharmacy approval requests and electronic prescribing!

  • dog and cat
    Veterinarian Approval Portal

    One site that helps veterinarians avoid faxing, phone calls and logging into multiple pharmacy platforms to approve pet prescriptions.

  • prescriptions for dog
    E-Prescribing for Veterinarians!

    Get connected with electronic prescribing that finally allows veterinarians to electronically send prescriptions directly to veterinary pharmacies.

Since 2020, we have been dedicated to enhancing our products with veterinary approvals and veterinary e-prescribing capabilities. With valuable input from practicing veterinarians, leading PIMS systems, and veterinary-focused pharmacies, we've developed a platform tailored to meet the needs of veterinarians for both retail and mail-order prescriptions. Our goal is to standardize veterinary prescribing and streamline the process for medications not filled in-office. By offering a single site that manages all prescribing tasks, we aim to ease the burden on veterinarians and their staff within the framework of an electronic prescribing network. Coming soon in 2024! Click here to request more information and be added to our growing list of interested veterinarians.       

One login. One Site. Multiple pharmacy approval requests!

  • receive pharmacy prescription approval requests from multiple pharmacies with a single login
  • send error-free approval or denial responses to prescription approvals
  • track approval and denials
  • get access to pet medication history

Get Electronically Connnected
  • send error-free prescriptions
  • receive electronic refill requests
  • access patient medication history
  • view prescription insurance formulary information
  • includes all information on electronically connected pharmacies
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